Celebrating 40 Years of Charity and Community: The Canadian Computer Charity Golf Classic

2024 marks the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian technology industry’s preeminent event, the Canadian Computer Charity Golf Classic (CCCGC).   Hundreds of participants from all sectors come together on this day to raise funds for Easter Seals Ontario – raising more than $6 M to date.

Recently Easter Seals Ontario has leveraged these funds to support the “Send a Kid to Camp” program, enabling hundreds of physically challenged children to enjoy a quintessential Canadian experience – Summer Camp.  The two Ontario camps are magnificent offering specialized equipment, highly skilled counselors, and ample opportunities to learn new things.

Each year Easter Seals appoints Ambassadors – a young woman and young man – who share their story at various events throughout the year.  Since 1984 we’ve heard some remarkable accounts but one highlight is always shared – that attending Summer Camp changed their life.  At Camp, these kids don’t stand out as different, they socialize with people just like them, they try new things – sometimes facing and overcoming fears.   Often this is the first time ever they’ve been away from their parents and family.   They gain confidence, independence and make lifelong friends.

And the golf day is always a wonderful event at an exceptional course, with gifts and prizes galore, lots of delicious food and a great opportunity to catch up with old industry friends.

We are so truly grateful to the Technology Industry for their continuous support – 40 years is a long time for a tournament to be sustained.  Some companies, such as HP/HPE, Viewsonic, Cisco, Targus, Intel, and the distribution community—Ingram Micro, Tech Data, Synnex, and D&H—have been participating since the very early years. 

This year’s event is being held Thursday Sept. 5th  at Lionhead Golf and Country Club.  For more information about the event visit  https://forms.gle/R2SoCHVUdbgcrgWT8 and be sure to mark your calendar for Thursday, September 4th, 2025 (CCCGC is always the Thursday following labour day.)