Welcome to the Canadian Channel Chiefs Council – a non-profit committed to delivering on value to members through professional development, accreditation, peer-to-peer networking, research and more.

Please take a few minutes to tell us about yourself and your company.

Step 1: Membership Details

[contact-form-7 id=”845″ title=”Membership Form”]

Step 2: Membership Payment

[stripe name=”Canadian Channel Chiefs Council” description=”Corporate Membership” amount=”220000″ currency=”CAD” payment_button_label=”Purchase an Corporate (Vendors only) Membership $5000.00″]


[stripe name=”Canadian Channel Chiefs Council” payment_button_label=”Purchase an Alliance (non-vendors) Membership $2200.00″ description=”Alliance (non-vendors) Membership $2200.00″ amount=”220000″ currency=”CAD” ]